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Southwell Minster's War chapel & a message from W. J. Conybeare
Christmas and New Year wishes 1916
A Christmas message to the members of the armed forces serving in the Great War 1916

This postcard, photographed by Alfred J Loughton was sent to the troops from the Southwell parish serving on the frontline in 1916. On the reverse of the card is a printed message which has been reproduced below. Unfortunately the names on the lists in the photograph are not legible. The author of the card. William James Conybeare, was the Rector of Southwell Minster.
Added to site: 19 April 2008
Dear Friend, December, 1916.This card takes to you, wheresoever you may be, my best Christmas and New Year wishes. It is a picture of the little War chapel we have fitted up in the Minster. The list of the names of all those who have left this parish to serve is, as you see, decorated with flags, and surmounted by the crucifix, to remind us how all human suffering is shared by Jesus Christ, and how He saved us by His own death from the eternal consequences of sin. On the table are some well known pictures, and some flowers. The flowers are kept fresh by children, or by someone who has lost her husband, and being unable to put flowers on his grave far away, places them here instead in memory of him. Here prayer is said every day by children or by others for you. So you are not forgotten.
May Christmas bring us all some better hope of peace and goodwill, and help us to trust in Him Who came from heaven to earth so as to lead us from earth to heaven.
Your Minister in the Lord,